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Carbon Wide Upper Bulkhead for Mugen MTC2R (Less Caster in Rear and wider)

Introducing our brand new carbon upper bulkheads for the Mugen MTC2R!

These 2.5mm CNC Machined Upper Bulkheads allow more flex on the caster axis and provide improved traction for your MTC2 Chassis! 4 Different Versions provide different caster settings and also upper arm lengths for greater tuning.

Basically explained, SUB & SUBL are standard in width, SUB gives the same caster as the normal upper bulkhead, SUBL gives 0-1.9 degrees and is intended for use only on the rear.

WUB & WUBL provide the same caster as explained above, but are wider and make the upper arms 1mm shorter each, which can be highly beneficial to increase the cars response on smaller more technical tracks.

4 Versions outlined below

MTC2R-SUB (Standard) has identical geometry to the standard upper bulkheads from Mugen, which will give you 3.1-5 degrees of caster when used on the front, and 1.9-4 degrees of caster when used on the rear.

MTC2R-WUB (Standard and wider) provides the same caster as above, however will yield a 1mm shorter upper arm length each side, resulting in a more responsive car, great for smaller tracks.

MTC2R-SUBL (Less Caster in Rear) is standard in width, however features offset caster to allow you to access less caster in the rear. Currently 1.9deg is the least amount of caster, however with cars becoming increasingly aggressive and difficult to drive, reducing the caster on the rear will lengthen the wheelbase and can help make the car more stable and predictable, whilst also increasing forward traction. These upper bulkheads allow you to access 0-1.9 degrees of rear caster.

MTC2R-WUBL (Less Caster in Rear and wider) provides the same caster as above, however will yield a 1mm shorter upper arm length each side, resulting in a more responsive car, great for smaller tracks.


  • Increased caster flex for more traction
  • Increased caster adjustability when using SUBL & WUBL in the rear
  • Ultra Lightweight for lowered centre of gravity
  • CNC Machined in Australia to high tolerances